Water and Blood | Every Nation PJ featuring Wondersigns (Every Nation PJ), Every Nation Damansara, Every Nation Gateway & Every Nation Cyberjaya
Water. A basic need that we absolutely cannot go without.
Blood, it is the running current in our body, keeping us alive.
Jesus came by 'water and blood'. This profound truth describes the coming of Jesus in the flesh and the power of His blood that makes us whole.
"Water and blood" is an original release by Wondersigns, last year.
It is with great joy and gladness we share the fourth release of our joint worship with Every Nation Malaysia churches.
If you enjoy this, watch our previous release of "Your Hand Moves" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gwAqG54Nnc
You can also stream "Water and Blood" by Wondersigns on Spotify and Apple music here: http:// bit.ly/wondersignswaterandblood
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Spotify (Wondersigns) - https://www.enpj.life/wondersigns
Verse 1:
At the shore the perfect savior
Out of water the Word fulfilled
Marked creation with righteousness
Oh how great is the Father's love
Jesus come and take your place
I'm drowning in the sea of grace
All my sins you washed away
Cause you came, by water and blood
Verse 2:
At the cross of salvation
Where your blood bore the weight of the world
At Your last breath, You tore the veil
The earth will know, you're the Son of God
I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back
Title: Water and Blood
Song by: Wondersigns
Written by: Keith Piong, Kelvin Lim & Sulyn Ooi
Music by: Keith Piong, Kelvin Lim & Sulyn Ooi
CCLI: #7150401