Water plants while on vacation https://www.ionhowto.com/water-plants-while-on-vacation-with-plastic-bottles/
How to water plants while on vacation for 2 weeks.
This is a very simple life hack or if you like let's call it a trick to water your plants while you are away for a week.
While on vacation or traveling you will not worry if the plants at home are OK.
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0:00 Intro
0:12 Plastic bottle method
0:29 Bottle sizes
0:41 How it works
1:02 Installing water bottles near the plants
1:26 Securing the bottles so they don't fall
1:49 Capilary action draws water into the soil
2:30 For how long can you be away
3:05 Outro, Please Subscribe
Self watering planters diy using water bottles.
If the crime rate in your area is moderate to high, please do this in a way that people from outside will not see the bottles in your pots. Or ask a friend (if you have one :| ) to water the plants for you and check that everything is ok in your home.
Having the bottles visible together with lights off is a clue that you are away from home.
Burglars will look for some of these clues to decide which home to target.
Stay safe!
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