There are 3 stages of lubrication - Full Film, Mixed and Boundary. Just like in water skiing, when the boat is not moving the skier is down in the water, which is the boundary condition. As the boat begins to move, the skier begins rise up out of the water, which is the mixed film condition. Once the boat is up to speed the skier is fully out of the water, which is hydrodynamic lubrication.
Why does this matter? Because piston rings operate in all three stages of lubrication on every single cycle, and the piston rings are the number one source of friction and wear in your engine.
In lubrication engineering, the Stribeck Curve indicates that friction and wear are higher in the boundary condition.
By rotating the liner, this genius engine design not only proves the stribeck is correct but it also massively reduces friction.
For more information on the rotating liner engine, check out
Or, contact Dr. Dardalis directly at
To learn more about Tribology, check out
For more information about piston ring friction, check out:
To learn about used oil analysis, check out
For a deeper dive into the science of lubrication, check out my good friend Rafe Britton's channel @LubricationExplained
To learn more about Tribology, check out
Who is the @themotoroilgeek ? I'm a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Certified Lubrication Specialist and Oil Monitoring Analyst (I've maintained both of those for over a decade). I also worked for Joe Gibbs Racing for 12 years as their lubricant specialist. During that time, we worked with Wix Filters (one of our sponsors) to test and develop filters for our race engines. We also worked with Lubrizol and Chevron-Phillips Chemical to test and develop oils for our race cars. Following that, I was the head of R&D for Driven Racing Oil. During that time, I formulated and tested over 50 products. We also worked with Cummins, Comp Cams, Oak Ridge National Labs and General Motors on various R&D products. Those efforts are recorded in peer reviewed white papers published by SAE International and ACS Sustainable Chemistry journals. I also own and operate SPEEDiagnostix, which provides used oil analysis.
For more about my Dad, check out this great video from @Stapleton42
#motoroil #friction #tribology #diesel