수채화 백일홍 그리기 / 23-2강_초보자 독학자를 위한 수채화 그림 수업, 물고기아트 watercolor painting,수채화 꽃 그림그리기, 꽃 수채화 일러스트, 취미수채화
Time to learn to paint pretty flowers with watercolor
-I want to start watercolor as a hobby, but did you keep procrastinating because you weren't afraid?
-You are self-studying painting, but was there anything frustrating?
-Are you worried about what to draw first? ^^
-Let's draw a watercolor picture with me~~
#Watercolor #hobby watercolor #painting
This time is the completion of the Paik Ilhong drawing.
Please watch it with the last week's video from sketching to painting. And it would be helpful if you watch it with the drawing video of Paik Il-hong that was uploaded before.
If you need original photos and sketch designs, click the link below.
Please download and use.
(These are materials and videos for beginners, self-taughters. Please do not use them for other purposes.)
If the video was helpful
Please like & subscribe & set all notifications^^
I draw with watercolor every week~~^^
★mulgogiArt Naver Cafe
★From the mulgogiArt Atelier Blog [Watercolor Archive]
You can download photo data and design data.
★Used paper
Fabriano Attistico Middle Tree
★Used paint
Miguelo Gold Class 24 Colors
(You can see the used paints by watching the video ^^)
(You don't have to use the same color ^^ Please look at it comfortably)
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All copyrights for picture images and drawings, content and design are reserved by Fish Art.
It cannot be used for other purposes (lecturer's class materials, commercial use, etc.) and secondary processing.
Instagram: mulgogiart
Blog: https://blog.naver.com/mulgogipop
Email: mulgogipop@naver.com
Smart Store: https://smartstore.naver.com/mulgogiart
Template: Ron Thin Film Lab
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➤Track-Memories of Home
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