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watercolor painting: simple flowers with a touch of gold

creationsceecee 157,015 7 years ago
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painting simple flowers with a hazy background and a splash of goooooooold! L I S T O F S U P P L I E S • 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper (Canson XL) • watercolor paints: indigo (Senneiler), deep scarlet (Daniel Smith), quinacridone gold (Sennellier), star gold (Kremer) • 1/2" oval wash brush (Princeton Neptune) • #2 round watercolor brush (Black Velvet Silver) • #6 round watercolor brush (Caviar by Dynasty) • sepia color pencil (Prismacolor • i buy all my brushes from -- this is an affiliate link: -- get 5% off your entire order from The Brush Guys by entering code: ceecee F O L L O W C R É A T I O N S C E E C E E • patreon: • online store & website: • instagram: • facebook: • pinterest: • twitter: • business inquiries: [email protected] P O B O X Créations CeeCee 54 Cité-des-Jeunes Suite 102B-347 Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 9L5 Canada F I L M I N G S E T - U P i have an overhead set-up with the video camera mounted on a long reach tripod what was part of a soft box lighting system video camera: Panasonic HC-V770 1350W photography studio soft box lighting kit (Mountdog) A F F I L I A T E L I N K S Links in this description and supplies list may be affiliates which means you won't pay extra but we will get a small commission. thank you for supporting this channel!
