Hey everyone!
This is the first installment of Wave Salad, where I introduce and explore my very favorite Eurorack modules, providing patches and interesting sound design tips. I will also be answering questions about the module and sound design in general, whether hardware or DAW-based.
In this installment I explore the XAOC Devices Odessa Variable Spectrum Harmonic Cluster Oscillator. Hope you enjoy!
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00:00 Introduction & Additive Synthesis
02:02 Panel & Features
04:06 Partials Knob
05:45 Spectral Tilt
07:41 Phaser/Comb Section
10:46 Bank & Harmonic Factor Section
15:05 Tension Knob, Unison & Phase Dispersion
19:56 FM & Other CV Inputs
24:06 Utilizing the Outputs
30:20 Strong Modules to Combo With
31:26 Example Patch 1 - Spicy Phasey Neurobass
37:20 Example Patch 2 - Tangy Resonant Bells
39:40 Example Patch 3 - Zesty Reese Bass
43:54 Conclusion