Waymo AI driverless car goes crazy; gets stuck in a loop | JJRicks Rides With Waymo #109
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00:00 Here we go
00:20 Round one… fight!
00:33 Long reverse and confusing announcement
01:03 Many-point-turn
01:58 Unprotected right
03:19 WOW that’s impressive pedestrian sensing
03:44 Round two… fight!
04:02 Reverse and many point turn
05:07 Brake slam
05:19 Unprotected right
07:24 Round three… fight!
07:44 Car gets confused and starts going back and forth over and over
09:02 Failed many-point-turn and re-maneuvering
10:37 Car is free…? No????
11:14 Roadside assistance officially called
11:40 Begins to back up again
12:45 Back and forth again
14:20 Continues to reverse
16:08 Finally free?
16:30 Unprotected right
17:28 Final three point turn