Ever considered a boost instead of an overdrive? Here’s why you might want to…
Life too short for long YouTube videos? Please see the ‘Interesting bits and go-to sections’ information below.
Welcome to the show! In this episode Dan and I are playing through a handful of new(ish) boost pedals while discussing how you might want to use a boost in your rig. Whether it’s a simple make-louder device or, more likely, you want to push something else into overdrive, the choices are many and varied.
What can we learn from this selection to help us all understand The Ways Of The Boost a little better? Let’s get into it…
Yes, we know there are many other boosts available, and leaving any of them out seems like some kind of unforgivable crime against humanity. But hey, we have what we have today, and these are they.
Q: But but but but… I just want to get louder, not to go into heavy overdrive?!
A: Any of these apart from the Cornish will enable you to do that - you just need an amp with plenty of headroom so the amp itself doesn’t overdrive. It’s all about headroom.
Q: What are the mic preamps Mick adjusts?
A: Glad you asked. We recently started using the Meris 440 Mic Preamps on our main guitar cab mics. They're a 500 Series all-analogue design that means we do less post-EQ tweaks (not that we ever did much to be fair). They seem to catch the dynamics and transients of the cabs / cab mics (Austrian Audio OC18) in a lovely way. Still getting used to them, but I'm a BIG fan. Mick here. We started using them at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022 I think. They go in to Universal Audio Apollo 8p interfaces.
Enjoy the show!
Pedals used in this episode…
• TheGigRig Three2One
• Sonic Research ST-300 Turbo Tuner
Australia: http://bit.ly/2mR1s8c
• Pete Cornish TB-83 Extra
• Blackstar Dept. 10 Boost
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
• Source Audio Zio
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: https://bit.ly/3HI5WqY
• IK Multimedia Z-Tone
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
USA Sweetwater: https://imp.i114863.net/LPBnBY
• Thorpy Heavy Water
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: https://bit.ly/3qq9h7W
• Wampler Paisley Drive
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: https://bit.ly/3oAefgY
• Source Audio Collider Delay & Reverb
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: http://bit.ly/323SzgS
• TheGigRig G3
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
0:00 Intro playing
3:22 Why do we use boosts?
5:10 Dan’s new toy!
5:56 Treble booster background
7:00 Treble booster sounds
11:57 Blackstar Dept.10 boost background
12:49 Blackstar Dept.10 sounds
20:42 Source Audio Zio background
21:51 Source Audio Zio sounds
24:70 Zio and a delay
31:55 IK Multimedia Z-Tone background
35:39 IK Multimedia Z-Tone sounds
40:57 Thorpy FX Heavy Water background
41:35 Thorpy FX Heavy Water sounds
48:35 Closing boost thoughts
50:29 Boost before or after overdrive?
Guitars in this episode:
• Supro Jamesport - no video
• Gibson Custom True Historic 1957 Les Paul Goldtop Murphy Aged - no video
• 1965 Fender Telecaster - no video
• Fender Custom Shop ’62 Relic Stratocaster - Mick’s video here: https://youtu.be/amCnjNQCmiE
Amps in this episode:
• Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb reissue with standard speaker
USA Sweetwater: https://imp.i114863.net/a1rnaQ
• Marshall 1987x with Custom Zilla 212 / Celestion Alnico Ruby speakers
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UK & Europe: Andertons Music https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
Australia: Pedal Empire http://bit.ly/2mWmJQf