We rode 64 miles (103km) with 7500' of elevation from just outside Kanazawa to Shirakawa-go (白川郷), a UNESCO World Heritage Site! Our route took us through 3 prefectures (Ishikawa, Toyama, and Gifu), over steep mountain passes, and across beautiful bridges. Seeing the Sho River gorge by bike is incredible. It was definitely an adventurous route at times, but the stunning scenery (both along the way and in the village) is something I'll never forget!
Want to see the route and ride data? Check it out here: https://www.strava.com/activities/7892909777
Looking for more information about Shirakawa-go? Visit https://shirakawa-go.gr.jp/en/ or https://www.vill.shirakawa.lg.jp/en/
Want to keep up with the rest of our adventures? Listen to our podcast: https://www.ramblingramsbothams.com
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