Hello everyone!! This video is here to show you how me and my friends big and yang got to floor 60 in dandy's world. Huge props to Goto Goat for reaching floor 54, as that was an insane floor to get to, but we somehow beat you guys. Not gonna lie we got insanely lucky. You might hear some background noise throughout the video and I'm sorry about that as I couldn't really do much to stop it. Also, huge props to Geo for the thumbnail!!! You have insane talent! This is my second ever video on this channel and I basically just did rough edits to get this video out to you guys fast cause I was afraid that someone might beat it while I was editing. Thanks to everyone for the support!!! I will have links to the music that I used in the video down below: Hotel - By Toby Fox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgvMoz2LnWA My Castle Town - By Toby Fox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl-YMD6yePc