Fun & Interesting

We should talk about the Polyend Synth...

Oscillator Sink 14,900 lượt xem 2 months ago
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The Polyend "Synth" is a Polyphonic, Multi-Engine and Multi-Timbrel synthesizer paired with a squidgy playing surface that is responsive both to velocity and aftertouch. The sounds range from basic virtual analogue engines, through digital FM and phase distortion and more unusual synthesis methods such as granular and (my favourite!) physical modelling. It also has an interesting way to customize the layout of the playing surface for each engine and define how they interact as leaders and followers as you play.

In this video I'll explore the Synth's general functionality and then deep-dive into the more esoteric physical modelling and granular engines as well as discussing what I like about it, and what I think it could do better.

Transparency Notice: Polyend kindly sent Synth to me for free for the purposes of making videos. They have not been granted, nor have they asked for any editorial oversight into the content of this video.

00:00 Intro
00:19 What is Synth? (the vital statistics)
03:27 Scenes
04:57 The Engines and editing patches
08:38 Macros (including velocity and aftertouch)
09:25 The mod matrix
10:01 The Mixer and FX
14:07 Chord Modes
15:40 The Physical Modelling Engine - Performance
16:58 The Physical Modelling Engine - Discussion
28:39 The Granular Engine - Performance
29:35 The Granular Engine - Discussion
40:21 Criticisms
50:38 Who is it for?
52:05 Outro
