In tonight's episode we come across this old abandoned house left to rot on the side of the road, So we decided to venture inside not knowing any history on the place or even if it was haunted!! Pulling up near this abandoned haunted looking house we soon relies-ed we shouldn't have come here at night, with multiple groups stood around near by we new we was in some sort of danger from the beginning, Once in side we have a feeling of overwhelming fear was this due to the area or who or what ever is haunting this house.. This is one place that left us terrified!! Become part of The Spooky Army today for Exclusive behind the Scene Footage and more.. Want to support the channel via Paypal, all donations received go back into making more videos like this one Find me on Facebook Find me on Instagram #haunted #paranormal #hauntedhouse #paranormalactivity #scary #ghosthunter #ghost