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00:00 Introduction
01:52 Looking for land in Portugal
04:28 What brings us joy on the homestead
05:38 When did it feel like home here?
08:26 Does the Passctra still work?
10:48 Do we have any travel plans?
13:14 Stone ruin renovation update
22:08 Can we manage our property on our own?
26:17 Off grid cabin build
28:19 Have we sold our off grid barn?
READ OUR EBOOK! https://www.indieprojects.co.uk/travel-the-nordics-guide-book
Like our chicken run? Find out more here (we love it!): https://bit.ly/Omletchickenrun
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Theo and Bee gave up their busy city lifestyles in 2014 to explore alternative living, and have lived in vans and boats since then without looking back! Along with their cat Ginjey Bear they have been driving around the world in their self converted Sprinter van. However, when the global pandemic hit they began converting their abandoned stone barn in Central Portugal to turn into a wonderful tiny stone cottage. Along the way, they have rescued a playful cat called Furrnando and have a wonderful flock of Chickens!