We Spent hundreds of hours beating Baldur's Gate 3 in the most INSANE way possible and it was absolutely HILARIOUS. Subscribe because I spent half a year turning this campaign into a movie.
CLICK HERE: https://slimestory.com/ and buy your favorite slime to support the environment and ME!
Rai: @bizlychannelYT
Xiv: @Slmccl
Tal: @GrizzlyPlaysYT
Klip: @Condifiction
Edited by me, @Zaltoman, @KenIkarus, and @AngusDeluxe
In-Game Camerawork by Lifeline, Kotabyte, KenIkarus, Zaltoman, and AngusDeluxe
Klip's Backstory by @JoCat
Family Guy cutaway, Xivposter, Raphael's Death, Tal's Backstory, and more by @Juicce124
Rai's Demise and Worm Credits by @cryingwyvern
The Feast of Worms, Klip's Big Heist, and more by @ComplexlyRoss
XIV's Backstory by HOLO: https://twitter.com/Holographicros3
Character Intros and To Be Continued art by @FloatingMegane
Character cut-ins and reactions by RED: https://twitter.com/redvilvity?lang=en
Tal's Final Natural 20, Xiv's Sailor Moon Transformation, and more by @MenchoYTAN