I can't believe it's all over! Four weeks ago I traveled to Melbourne where I started Guide Dog training with my second dog. It was so exciting, challenging, rewarding and tiring. On Monday, I got to bring my new guiding princess, Penny, home to start her life with my existing pets and retired guide, Darcy. In this quick video I'd like to give you an update on how things are progressing, hope you enjoy.
Useful Links
Guide Dogs Victoria: https://www.guidedogsvictoria.com.au/
My GD training playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0rCZBms8Zb7tfMzNzDye8hyU1WuW1Uej
Follow Me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melsblindlife/
Darcy's FaceBook: https://m.facebook.com/Darcy-the-Guide-dog-496672110517689/?ref=bookmarks
Mel’s Blind Life Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Personal-Blog/Mels-Blind-Life-1326898004158153/
Mel’s Blind Life Blog: https://melsblindlife.wordpress.com/author/mickmate94/