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带大王和来福去城里的游泳馆游泳啦~| We took Dawang and Laifu to the swimming pool in town.

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大王最喜欢的事情就是游泳,尤其是炎热的夏天,村里的小水池总是满足不了大王,于是我们今天带着大王和来福去了城里专门给宠物游泳的游泳馆,让大王痛痛快快的游个泳。面对新的游泳场地,大王有些紧张,但是大王是最信赖盆姐的,看到盆姐走进泳池,大王也就不再害怕了,开始在宽阔的泳池里自由自在的游泳。而向来比较胆小的来福今天也在盆姐的教导和大王的保护下,学会了游泳。两个小家伙亲密的在泳池里一起游泳的场面可爱极了,希望大王和来福能一直自在开心下去! Dawang's favourite thing is to swim, especially in the hot summer, the village's small pool is always not enough for him, so we took Dawang and the Laifu to the city today specifically for the pet swimming pool, so that Dawang comfortable swimming. Faced with a new swimming venue, Dawang is a little nervous, but Dawang is the most trusting Apenjie, see Apenjie into the pool, Dawang will no longer be afraid, and began to swim freely in the wide pool. And always timider Laifu today also learn to swim in the pot sister's teaching and Dawang's protection. The two little guys swimming together in the pool is a very cute scene, I hope Dawang and the Laifu can always be comfortable and happy! 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,这里是我和大王的新频道,如果你也喜欢大王,请持续关注大王的频道,我会在频道里不定期更新一些大王在村里的日常,希望你们也能像我们一样,喜欢大王、疼爱大王~ Hello, everyone. I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan local. Welcome to the new channel of Dawang and me. If you like Dawang as well, please subscribe. I’ll post some daily footage of Dawang in the village from time to time. Hope you will find Dawang adorable and like him just like us. #大王 #puppy #xianxixiaoge #pets #puppies #dog #dogs
