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Weather, Lightning Storms & Sailing the MOST FEARED CAPES of South Africa!(Patrick Childress #65)

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Sailing around the world on our sailboat "Brick House", sailing around Cape Aghullas and the Cape of Good Hope, of South Africa, was certainly the sailing passage that Rebecca had feared the most during our circumnavigation. Very bad weather conditions and unpredictable weather make sailing around the 2 Capes of South Africa, very intimidating for even experienced sailors. We sailed through every kind of weather from East London to Hout Bay, just short of Cape Town, but luckily using Predictwind Offshore on our Raymarine Axiom Pro and the Iridium GO, we MOSTLY knew when stormy weather at sea was approaching, from wind and squalls, to waves and currents. We sailed in the worst electrical lightning storm we have ever been in...and we had some very nice fair weather sailing too. Predictwind on the chartplotter with the Iridium GO really makes getting weather forecasts at sea so much easier now. Radar also helped with seeing bad weather and squalls approaching. Patrick didn’t mention it, but the CAPE forecast on PredictWind even warned of high squall activity for one night sailing around the Cape of Good Hope. Being able to get weather at sea every 12 hours, certainly is the reason we felt comfortable sailing this entire coast in one go, rather than making many stops To seek shelter from the wind and waves. Being able to get weather reports at sea with Predictwind Offshore on the Raymarine chartploter certainly made all the difference!!! Patrick gives a few sailing tips while Sailing the coast of Africa, in good weather, and in bad weather, upwind and downwind. This episode is like a "how to sail" video, but for experienced sailors who want to cross oceans, and round the great capes! Here is our Predictwind Affiliate Link for a free or paid version of Predictwind. Here is our chartplotter, which s our Amazon Affiliate link: And here is the best place to get an Iridium GO with an antenna good for a sailboat (Marine Package). Learn weather forecasting, one step at a time...we make no commission from the hardware purchased at Predictwind, but I feel strongly enough to purchase it directly from Precitwind is better than supplying you with an Amazon link where I would make a few dollars from your purchase, but you wouldn’t be as happy in the end with. ▬ FOLLOW ALONG! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Our blog: : ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts and other: Support us to keep the videos coming: 🍯(Tip Jar) ⏩ Sign up for a FREE membership here: ⛵️ TWO FREE SAILING COURSES: ⏩ : ⏩Start your Amazon shopping here: ⏩ Start your West Marine Shopping here: ✩Tshirts and other: #sailingAfrica #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals Music Credits Islandesque by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Santo Rico by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:
