Automation for lighting control in greenhouses is key to regulate the photo period to control flowering, or to increase growth to increase crop quality and yield... Light is an essential element and is not always available in its natural form to address our needs. Join us in this Argus Controls sponsored webinar and learn from our panel of experts the technologies available (and how to use them) to maximize natural and artificial light in your facility to achieve better results.
Learn about key topics such as:
Key elements that affect light in the greenhouse
a. Structure – How does it impact light in the GH?
b. Glazing material – How does it impact light in the GH?
c. Equipment
Role and importance of automation in controlling light in the greenhouse.
a. Shading and impact in the greenhouse and its link to other elements (such as temperature).
b. Seasonal light requirements for the crop and how automation can help achieve this.
c. Controlling/automating lights for specific crops.
d. Alarms are critical – For example, if lights are turned on at night unexpectedly.
e. Lighting specific programs such as:
i. DLI
ii. Shading programs, including coordinate with other equipment
iii. Additional logic (temperature control overrides, for example)
iv. Spray program