Weeds Control Plan in Onion Crop پیاز کی فصل میں جڑی بوٹیوں کا کنٹرول Weeds are major yield limiting factor in onion crop. It is very difficult to remove weeds in onion field. Onion plant is short stature, poor root syatem, slow growth and narrow leaved so has very less competitive ability to suppress weeds. Weeds are rapid growing plants with strong rooting system so are dominant in onion field. Chemical control of weeds: S metolachlore (Dual gold) spray within 36 hours. It is pre emergence weedicide and strongly control weeds. Its dose for spray is 800 ml per acre. Or Pendimethalin @ 1000 ml per acre can also be used. Oxyfluorofen @ 300 ml per acre spray to control broad leaf weeds. Quizalophop or Haloxyfop p ethy @ 350 ml per acre to control narrow leaf weeds. #weeds #weedscontrol #onionweeds #weedscontrolinonion