[Eng]어서와!!! 내 입 속으로😎 27개월이 사 온 감자, 김밥 만들기, 짜장면, 짬뽕, 돈까스, 길거리 토스트, 하루가 왜이렇게 길고 왜이렇게 짧은거냐
478,300 lượt xem 1 year ago Hi-yum! 👋🏻
I ate quite a bit in this video!!!
I like to be in the kitchen, but I couldn't be in there since I was too busy acting busy.
Whenever I have the time... I like thinking about what to eat, making the food, feeling sore on my legs, and it's all nice! lolol
I rolled up some kimbop and I used real crab meat because Kangbin was eating them too
Not bad!
Couldn't really taste them though..! 🤔
Thank you for being with us today!
See you in my next video!
Thank you!
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