WELOVE - 입례 (예배하는 자 되어) [Introit (Purest Praise)] | Worship Around The World
42,717 lượt xem 2 years ago "입례 (예배하는 자 되어) [Introit (Purest Praise)]" is written by 박은총.
CCLI Song Number: 7181700
"입례 (예배하는 자 되어) [Introit (Purest Praise)]" resources:
▶ https://songselect.ccli.com/songs/7181700/_
▶ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0NBHZ2ja7ejAMkL77afYGI
▶ On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Welovecreativeteam/
▶ On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeloveCreativeTeam
▶ On the Web: http://welovecreativeteam.com/
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▶ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/16l...
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▶ All CCLI sessions: https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/P...
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Free planning and presentation software for your church - https://www.worshiptools.com/en-us
Multitracks for worship made easy - https://loopcommunity.com/
Worship sounds and patches to help you sound your best - https://sundaysounds.com/
#welove #introit #purestpraise #cclisessions #ccli