Gah, the audio quality on this is terrible. I would've tried to figure out a way to improve it, but I already spent so many hours making little fixes to things I noticed were wrong and then having to make more fixes after more issues kept popping up, so I don't think I have the energy to fix anything else.
Anywho, surprise. To the Fleetway guy who I told I wouldn't be making a FWF or Omnipresent cover in the next 3 months, I lied. This actually didn't take as long as I thought it would, surprisingly. Is this what gaining modding experience through trial and error and becoming better and more efficient and slowly being able to mod things faster feels like? Damn. Amazing.
I unfortunately could not find a soundfont for Majin's Four Way Fracture voice ANYWHERE, so I had to resort to just using his regular voice, and for that, I deeply apologize to anyone who is disappointed by the lack of the 90s Japanese radio host voice.
Other than that, I am really proud of how this came out. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I did try to make this as good as I possibly could. And like I said before, that involved fixing EVERY little mistake I could find. I do hope you enjoy this, cause I sure enjoyed the end result.
I actually made my own thumbnail this time. Can't believe how easy it was. It's simple, but it gets the job done.
Vocals were done entirely by me.
I did, however, use MacMar02's Four Way Fracture mod to make this:
And with that final piece of text... Until next time, folks.