It's almost time for Bobu and Meimei to travel to China, and in order to help them prepare for their upcoming trip, I sent them some rice noodle rolls; a classic Chinese dim sum dish, because they'll be eating loads of dim sum during their first week in China.
Plus, seeing as their first stop in China will be Hong Kong, I also thought it'd be good if we all learn a bit of Cantonese. However, my Cantonese is terrible, so I don't know if that part of the video went according to plan. Dear Cantonese speakers, feel free to correct our mistakes! Thank you!
If you like this video, please do HIT THE LIKE BUTTON! It really helps. Don't forget to leave a message and SEE YOU IN CHINA!!!!
#chinesefood #dimsum #ricenoodle
The Sheperd - The Mini Vandals
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Tiki Bar Mixer by Kevin MacLeod
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):