The Rolls-Royce Vulture and the Packard X-2775 were X-24 engines designed and built in the pursuit of more power, for WWII aircraft and racing planes respectively. In this video we cover the interesting engineering and design of these engines while also taking a look at the important historic context.
H-24 Napier Sabre Explained Simply :
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Headline attribution: Packard 1A-2775 engine cross section-author LM Woolson ( Major modifications to drawing by placing moving pistons, conrods and crankshaft into the original image (created by Lets Go Aviate). In some places the original image is used unedited.
1:06 Packard X-2775 History
2:58 Packard X-2775 Design
7:18 Packard X-2775 Improvements
10:42 X Engine Lives Again : Rolls-Royce Vulture
11:37 Rolls-Royce Vulture Design
15:43 X Engine's Last Stand
Video attribution:
HISTORY OF AVIATION by PublicResourceOrg (, licence CC-BY
The Air Force Story (Chapter 3) -- Struggle for Recognition, 1923-1930 by U.S. Air Force Reserve (, licence CC-BY
Spitfire Recognition| US Air Force Instructional Film (1944) by Armoured Archivist (, licence CC-BY
Inline 6 animation-author MichaelFrey ( crom + zoom + lines overlaid
X-engine animation-author MichaelFrey ( overlaid arrows
Radial engine animation-author Duk ( no changes
X-engine (90°)-author MichaelFrey ( used multiple times on screen at once. Overlaid tick and cross
The Battle of Britain 1940 by Written by the Victor (, licence CC-BY
Gloster Meteor - A Short History by A Short History (, licence CC-BY
Image attribution:
Daimler-Benz DB 604-author Thomas Vogt ( overlaid text title
Napier Cub-author unknown;source The Flight magazine archive from Flightglobal ( overlaid text titles
Macchi M.39-author Alan Wilson ( no changes
Packard 1A-2775 engine cross section-author LM Woolson ( crop+zoom
Packard 1A-2775 engine crankshaft-author LM Woolson ( overlaid arrows
Kirkham-Williams Racer-Reproduced from Aero Digest Magazine Vol.11 No.3 September, 1927. No changes
Hawker Tornado 3-view line drawing-author Emoscopes ( overlaid text
Williams Mercury Racer-author MAC06130 ( no changes
Schneider Trophy-author Morio ( no changes
Rolls Royce-kestrel-author PeterGrecian ( crop+zoom+overlaid text title
Rolls-Royce Kestrel rear-author Zala ( crop+zoom+overlaid text title
Rolls-Royce Merlin-author JAW ( crop+zoom+overlaid title text
Avro Lancaster Bomber by Julian P Guffogg ( crop+zoom
Napier Sabre III engine at RAF Museum London-author ( no changes
RR Griffon-author TSRL ( no changes