Is a West Marches Campaign as close as we can get to D&D on demand? In this video I’ll be going over the origins of the West Marches sandbox campaign style, it’s benefits, some of the potential issues that might pop up for your group, and how to turn literally any campaign into a West Marches inspired campaign!
💕 Links 💕 (may contain affiliate links which help support the time and effort I put into these videos!)
✨ Ben Robbins West Marches Experiment ::
✨ Microscope Game ::
✨ Kingdom Game ::
✨ @SlyFlourish Lazy DM’s Workbook ::
💕 Timestamps 💕
00:00 West Marches Sandbox
00:39 West Marches, Explained
01:32 Running a West Marches
02:19 Potential Pitfalls
07:59 Transform Any Campaign into a West Marches