Summary: It’s your 10-year high school graduation anniversary. Your best friend, Evan, who was also one of your classmates, decided to invite everybody from your class to celebrate old good times together. You didn’t feel like joining after just breaking up with your girlfriend, but after some persuasion from him, you decided to meet up with everybody. You meet familiar faces that have changed through time but are still very much the same. In one moment, you finally start to get comfortable and enjoy your time, catching up on everything you all missed in your lives.
And then you see her, entering the room — your classmate from high school, your friend … your first serious love. You never exposed your feelings to her. After she left this town to achieve her dream job and run away from some problems, you hoped these feelings would disappear and time would make you get over her. But no matter how much time passed, they never faded away, even for a moment. And now, they hit you like a train.
She approaches you, and you start talking like time never passed since you saw each other last time – you feel comfortable, warm, and understood.
You both enjoy catching up for all those years when you didn’t see each other … and no matter what, your heart cannot stop beating like crazy, your mind is filled with words you wanted to say a long time ago, and your gaze cannot go any other way than hers. And for some reason … she cannot take her eyes away from you either.
I will appreciate if you have any advice for any matter of video/graphic/script/recording etc. as I am doing everything alone and, as you can see, I just started.
Posted audio is fully fictional.
If you enjoyed this video, I hope I will see you again in next one!
If you have any recommendations for next audios, please let me know in comments below! I will consider it for future~!
Thank you for listening!
Hear you soon~!