What are the witcher signs? Many of you will know of the witcher signs and their place in the world, but I doubt you will know all of these signs especially some of the witcher signs not included in the game. In this video I explain to you about all the witcher signs such as, the witcher sign igni, the witcher sign aard, the witcher sign axii, the witcher sign quen, the witcher sign yrden, the witcher sign somn and the witcher sign heliotrop. I also go into how witchers learn these signs and how each sign can be used for not just offensive abilities. I'm sure many of you have asked 'How do the witcher signs work?' so, in today's video I decided to address it. I'll also go over some light theory's of why not everybody can use the witcher signs
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A quick disclaimer - A lot of these videos use information from the witcher wiki, in some cases I do read directly from the pages, I do always make sure to include my own thoughts and other information I know myself, but I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page here. Even though I use information from the wiki, I do still create the videos, with time, effort and a lot of editing! The idea behind the lore videos is to present to information to you guys in a fun and more interesting way then you guys having to get the information from pages and read it yourself. If anyone isn't okay with this I apologise, but since day one I have always said where I get the information from. Thank you for reading.