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"What are the Yugas?" with Joseph Selbie, co-author of "The Yugas"

Ananda Sangha Worldwide 82,969 14 years ago
Video Not Working? Fix It Now ~ What does the future holds for mankind, and are we due for a world-changing, global shift? Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi) and  his  teacher,  Sri  Yukteswar,  offered  key  insights  into  this  subject.  They  presented  a  fascinating explanation of the rising and falling eras that our planet cycles through every 24,000 years. According to their teachings, we have recently passed through the low ebb in that cycle and are moving to a higher age — an Energy Age that will revolutionize the world. Over one hundred years ago Yukteswar predicted that we would live in a time of extraordinary change, and that much that we believe to be fixed and true — our entire way of looking at the world — would be transformed and uplifted. In The Yugas, authors Selbie and Steinmetz present substantial and intriguing evidence from the findings of historians and scientists that demonstrate the truth of Yukteswar's and Yogananda's revelations. #yogananda #sriyukteswar #theholyscience
