In this video I will try to accurately portray what you can expect to see through a telescope of various sizes and types. I will try to show how big the object will appear with different sized telescopes, the detail you can expect to make out, and what it might look like to you. For my examples I will show you how well you can expect to see Jupiter, Saturn, and the Great Andromeda Galaxy, M31, in a 2", 4.5", 6", 10", and 12" telescope with actual video taken from each of those telescopes and some sketches I made. I used refractors, reflectors, a Schmidt-Cassegrain, and a Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope for my demonstrations. Everyone's experience at a telescope will vary depending on the conditions, how dark the sky is where you observe, the seeing, how good your optics are on your telescope, how good your eyepieces are, and how well-trained your eye is, among other things, but hopefully this video will give you a good idea of what to expect to see through various telescopes.
Here are the telescopes I used in this video:
William Optics Redcat 51:
Orion EON 115mm Triplet:
Skywatcher Evostar 150mm:
Orion StarSeeker IV 150mm Mak:
Orion 10" Dobsonian:
Meade LX90 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain: