DaVinci Resolve FREE VS PAID: Which Should You Choose?
Turns out Blackmagic Design has been keeping this PDF hidden on their website. A PDF that lists every feature side by side that is included in the free, paid, and iPad versions of DaVinci Resolve!
The DaVinci Resolve PDF - https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/SupportNotes/DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_Features.pdf?_v=1705996810000
I'm sure as the years go on and new features are added, more updates to this PDF will come out and I will do my best to update it!
#davinciresolve #davinciresolvefree #resolvestudio
Should YOU Upgrade?! | DaVinci Resolve FREE VS PAID [Studio]
DaVinci Resolve Free Vs. Paid. NEW Comparison Checklist!