I asked all these mandolin pros what picks and strings they use, so you don't have to 😂😂😂
New signature picks available here: https://shorturl.at/sAFIo
Huge thanks to all these amazing mandolin players for contributing:
Caterina Lichtenberg: https://caterinalichtenberg.com/
Casey Campbell: https://www.caseycampbell.org/
Emory Lester: https://www.emorylester.com/
Alan Bibey: https://alanbibey.com/
Mike Marshall: https://mikemarshall.net/
John Reischman: https://www.johnreischman.com/
Matt Flinner: https://www.mattflinner.com/
Joe K Walsh: https://joekwalsh.com/
And check out the Swannanoa Gathering here: https://swangathering.com/
✅ Subscribe for even more mandolin videos and lessons - https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidBenediction?sub_confirmation=1
🚀 Support my Patreon Page for tons of exclusive mandolin goodies like, pdf transcriptions, bonus lessons, and more - https://www.patreon.com/davidbenedictmandolin
🎵 Your Very First Mandolin Lesson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvDDGN1h36s
🎬 The Complete Beginner's Guide to Mandolin Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCaUTc3E6s3sBvKKnaT2G0Gd1-grM2gkE
🖊️ ToneSlabs Signature Pick - https://shorturl.at/sAFIo
🧶 D’Addario XSCM Strings - https://shorturl.at/Zs5uG
💪 Dan Voight Arm Rest - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhHQc63ExAs
🛡️ Mandolin Tone-Gard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1SdnYmRJYs
🎸 My Apitius Custom Classic LS F5 Mandolin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=TaPgDcXO3io
🎥 Check out my weekly video series #mandolinmondays - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCaUTc3E6s3sbgxpS3M9pOAxqBJjDFBil
🎙 Give a listen to my recorded work on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/6kjiOCZgVCXROIED3SFFCO
☕ Cup O’Joe - https://www.cupojoemusic.com/
🚢 The Foreign Landers - https://www.theforeignlanders.com/
💌 Sign up for my email newsletter - https://mailchi.mp/7d8a93a927a3/youtube-newsletter-page
🌍 My website - https://davidbenedictmandolin.com/
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📸 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidbenedictmandolin/
⏱ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@davidbenedictmandolin?lang=en
My name is David, and I play the mandolin. I've played with multiple award-winning bluegrass bands across the world including Missy Raines, Mile Twelve, Cup O’Joe, and The Foreign Landers, and I curate the weekly mandolin video series #mandolinmondays hosted by the Mandolin Cafe. But most of all, I love sharing my love of the mandolin with others. I run an online mandolin learning community on Patreon, and I also make videos to share my thoughts, ideas, and general mandolin enthusiasm with other mando aficionados. Find out more at the links below:
🌍 My website - https://davidbenedictmandolin.com/
🚀 My Patreon Page - https://www.patreon.com/davidbenedictmandolin
*Just a little disclaimer that I’m endorsed by some of the companies represented here, and a few of my "weapon of choice" links above are affiliate links that bring in a small percentage of revenue for the channel.