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The two main scoliosis treatment paths are the functional, chiropractic-centered approach. This method focuses on reducing and managing the curve to prevent surgery. The traditional method focuses on addressing the condition until the patient reaches surgical levels.
Many scoliosis patients and surgeons are unaware of this alternative treatment focused on avoiding surgery. This is why it is common to see severe cases of scoliosis.
This surgery consists of a spinal fusion where the most tilted vertebrae of the spine are fused along its length with bone graft attached to screws and rods. The goal of this intervention is to reduce its size and stop the progression. However, there are no guarantees of reduction, long-term improvement, or the rods staying on.
Nowadays, a spinal fusion is more invasive because surgeons use more rods, although its connective point was recently designed to be more stable and provide assurance that the tools will stick to the spine.
This procedure is expensive and irreversible, and its risks can be very widespread and severe.
Some of the risks associated with a spinal fusion are how much it limits spine movement and its potential to stop growth if performed on a very young patient who has not reached their full height.
Patients who get a spinal fusion usually stay for two weeks at the hospital while the initial recovery process occurs. However, certain activities are prohibited during the first year after surgery to avoid injury and allow the bone graft to integrate into the spine.
Treating a surgical patient for pain and loss of flexibility post-surgery is possible, but the results are limited and not completely guaranteed.
At Scoliosis Reduction Center, we focus on crafting personalized treatment plans to reduce scoliosis while preserving spinal health and function and avoiding surgery.
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00:00 - What Happens After Scoliosis Surgery?
00:23 - Conservative VS Traditional Treatment
00:41 - Why Is Scoliosis Surgery Common?
01:35 - Considering The Risks
02:21 - What Is A Spinal Fusion?
03:40 - Is Scoliosis Surgery A Permanent Fix?
05:30 - Scoliosis Surgery Recovery Process
06:42 - Dealing With The Risks
07:32 - Recommendations 847544