Once again, I hope this was an educational experience.
HeeJin - Pink Text
HyunJin - Yellow Text
HaSeul - Green Text
YeoJin - Orange Text
ViVi - Pink Text
JinSoul - Blue Text
Kim Lip - Red Text
Choerry - Purple Text
Yves - Burgundy Text
Chuu - Peach Text
GoWon - Turquoise Text
Olivia Hye - Grey Text
Black text is anyone else who speaks.
Want to learn more about LOONA? Check out LOONA's Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOJplhB0wGQWv9OuRmMT-4g
Need help getting to know them? Try out this Guide - https://meetloona.carrd.co/
An archive of all translated LOONA content, managed by Team Subbits - https://trello.com/b/xPFQIxge/eng-loona-translation-archive-team-subbits
LOONA’s (Unofficial) Translation Team - https://www.teamsubbits.com/
Instagram - instagram.com/rapnonono_
Twitter - twitter.com/rapnonono_
Email - rapnononoyt@gmail.com
Editing Program - FCPX
Source? Check this pinned comment :)
Outro - https://youtu.be/2lB1Qs8nT-k
Intro - https://youtu.be/6VSced0MMkc
Extra Stuff!
LOONA’s Image Drive - https://goo.gl/vwcwY4
LOONA’s Fansite List - https://goo.gl/CuZbyp
LOONA’s Video archive - https://bit.ly/2WSlWPw
LOONA’s Image Dump - http://bit.ly/2Nh4yzF
LOONAVERSE Crash Course* (Courtesy of the LOONA Discord - https://discord.gg/3DCfsc8) - https://bit.ly/343iFSo
*Don’t feel pressured to get involved in the theory side of LOONA. Personally, I don’t really delve into this, and am still an Orbit. Every LOONA content is enjoyable without knowledge of theory. The LOONAVERSE is just a bonus of being an Orbit. I do, however, find it enjoyable to read theories here and there as well as figuring out stuff from teasers.
#이달의소녀 #LOONA