If Frost actually was good, and hadn't tricked Goku and the Universe 7 team, would he end up being the best example of what Frieza could be? Here's the full story.
WHAT IF Frost Turned Good - Dragon Ball Discussion: Dragon Ball Super introduced Universe 6 Frieza clone Frost to our screens. What If The Universe 6 Frieza Wasn't A Jerk? At first, the " Emperor " of Universe 6 seemed like a nice guy, the opposite of Freeza...but it turns out he wasn't. He was a jerk. He was a trickster. Might we see Frost train with Goku? Become Golden Frost? Train under Hit from Universe 6? #DragonBall #WhatIf
#DragonBallWhatIf #DragonBallSuper #DragonBallZ #Frieza #Frost
What If Frost Turned Good? FULL STORY | Dragon Ball Super
00:00 Introduction
15:18 Part 2
29:13 Part 3
42:32 Part 4
57:55 Part 5
1:14:31 Part 6
1:28:10 Part 7
1:41:53 FINALE
Dragon Ball What If
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