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What if Grandmaster Luke Time Traveled to The Battle of Geonosis

Darth Theorist 38,439 lượt xem 2 months ago
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What if Grandmaster Luke Time Traveled to The Battle of Geonosis? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.

Luke groans as he sits in his cell, wondering how he ended up here. He knew attempting to use the World Between Worlds was risky, but he could not help himself. After learning about it, he was haunted by dreams, each showing the possibilities of changing the past and what could have happened.

Even though they were just dreams and thoughts, they never left him even after waking up until he finally decided to risk entering one of the portals. The one he went to brought him to a desolate planet, Geonosis. But it wasn’t just a new world, it was during the opening stages of the Clone Wars. He appeared under the shadow of a massive CIS core ship that towered over him like a mountain.

But he didn’t have time to admire the design as the guards soon spotted him and he was apprehended.

The doors open and Count Dooku steps forward, his cap pillowing behind him as he regards Luke curiously.

Dooku: I have spoken to the other prisoners. They say they have no idea who you are. And yet you managed to sneak up to my staging area. If you are not a spy of the Republic, who are you?

Luke: You would not believe me even if I told you.

Dooku: Then what reason do I have to keep you alive?

Luke: Because I know things you don’t. I know that your master intends to take over the Republic.

Dooku: Surprised. H-how how did you-

Luke: I know it all begins here to help destabilize the galaxy, but I want to stop him and I know the Jedi will not listen to me. I think you do too.

Dooku: Perhaps you are smarter than you look. You ask much of me. I have invested considerable time and resources in this plan. What makes you think that I would just change it because you asked me?

Luke: I won’t ask anything like that. You will not want to change things because I asked, but because you want a better galaxy like I do and I’m telling you right now, your master will not bring that change.

At first, Dooku wants to laugh at him or even execute him. This Jedi, whoever he is knows far too much, and keeping him alive would be a risk. But at the same time, something is compelling about his words. They seem more than empty boasts. He senses great power in him, far more than anyone else he’s ever met.

Dooku asks Luke to tell his story before he agrees to anything and the tale is more outlandish than he’s ever heard. The Count is tempted to dismiss it, but as he feels Luke’s presence in the Force, he senses something off about him. Like he should not belong here. While this should trouble Dooku, part of him is impressed. For someone to will himself into the Force is a power even beyond Palpatine’s capabilities.

Dooku: Very well, I will help you.

At first, Luke wants to inform the Jedi immediately and have them arrest Palpatine, but Dooku cautions against that. It is suicide as Palaptine has a stranglehold over the Republic, and should the Jedi act, he will ensure he is martyred and the Jedi wiped out. Instead, the only way to defeat Palpatine is to take away his support.

Luke agrees and sees the CIS as a way to make a template. When the battle commences, Luke slips out with the rest of the CIS forces. But once they are gone, Dooku makes Luke his acolyte and begins training him in the ways of the Force.

Although highly talented, Dooku is even more skilled in lightsaber combat than Yoda or Obi-Wan. He shows him different lightsaber forms and Force abilities that even Obi-Wan never knew about. Luke also acts as one of the CIS’s main leaders. However, the Count does not wish to expose him too early and keeps him away from the front.

Luke doesn’t lead from the main battlefields where Grievous and Ventress fight. Instead, he remains behind and stays in secondary theatres where he will attract less notice.

However, none of this diminishes his talents as Luke still proves to be an adept battlefield commander. Using his years of experience in the rebel alliance, Luke is skilled at fighting better-equipped forces and makes the most of his relatively meager resources. He manages to defeat older and more experienced Jedi Masters and their forces, winning him some renown as an accomplished commander.

His greatest victory comes when he bests Luminara Unduli during a battle and captures her apprentice, Barriss.

But to their surprise, Luke treats their forces with surprising dignity. Instead of simply executing them or leaving them to be tortured, Luke treats them humanely and tries to win the soldiers over to his side.

He is careful to have the defeated clones' inhibitor chips removed in secret. He’s heard about the stories from Ahsoka and takes precautions. Even the Jedi Generals are not mistreated and confined in relative comfort. Barriss is allowed freedom of movement on the planet where she is
#starwars #starwarswhatif #luke #clonewars
