What if Mace Windu Trusted Anakin and Arrested Palpatine? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.
Palpatine closes his eyes and gasps as Mace raises his lightsaber. But then after a moment, the final blow does not come.
When he opens his eyes he finds Mace glaring down at him, before grabbing the chancellor by his collar and shoving him to the ground,
Mace: Very well, he lives. But know this…whatever happens, is on your head.
Palpatine blinks, looking over at Mace who roughly leads him away. Things didn't go how Palpatine had planned.
No sooner do they have Palpatine detained does the Senate try to figure out what happened. Here, Mace tries to do damage control and says they have evidence that Palpatine is a Sith Lord. While this might pacify a few Senators, Palpatine still has allies in the Senate who jump at this opportunity.
Many are quick to point out that Sith Lord or not, Palpatine is still a member of the Galactic Government and to try and detain him is tantamount to staging a coup. They try to push this narrative that the Jedi are using their beliefs to justify their actions.
Instead, Mace suggests that Anakin testify as well. He is one of the chancellor’s most trusted confidants and if confirms what he says then that should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what Palpatine is. For a moment, this might actually sway the crowd, but Mas Amedda shakes his head.
Mas: How convenient that fact is for you. And it just so happens that you tried to turn Anakin Skywalker into a spy for the Jedi Council. Do you deny that?
Mace: I do not. Anakin was indeed sent to keep an eye on the chancellor, to ensure he gave back power to the Senate. Nothing more.
Mas: Still, you must understand how…problematic it is to allow his testimony given the nature of his assignment.
Mace: I do not and neither should this Senate. If his mission was to gather information, then hearing the information he gathered is paramount to this situation.
A deadlock forms as neither side can agree on what should come from Anakin’s testimony. And that is precisely what Palpatine wants. As Anakin returns to the Temple, he gets a vision from Palpatine. The old chancellor is still in his cell, but he reminds Anakin that he still possesses the power he wants. More importantly, he comes with a warning, that the Jedi will kick him out if they learn he’s fathered children and married Padme in secret. His children will then be taken from him and he will never see them again.
Although Anakin is worried about betraying the Republic, Palpatine assures him he must not do anything of the sort.
Mas Amedda has already done most of the work for him, Anakin must simply agree with his words and refuse to testify. Although the doubt claws at him, Anakin cannot bring himself to refuse and the next day when he is called before the Senate, Anakin reaffirms their fear of mishandling the situation. He agrees and says that he has been compromised by exposure to both the Jedi and Palpatine’s plots to give an impartial testimony.
Mace is shocked by this but presses hard. He does not hesitate to testify. However, Palpatine’s allies try to regain the momentum. The evidence and footage from Palpatine’s office conveniently disappear, alongside any correspondence between Anakin and Mace.
While they agree Palpatine overstepped, they also rule that Mace’s arrest is unconstitutional. The Senate decides to strip Palpatine’s title of chancellor but in the same breath, begins to turn on the Jedi. While the public normally challenges these matters, their respect for the Jedi is also at an all-time low and apathy is high.
Palpatine is allowed to go free as a private citizen and Mace is left fuming.
Mace: I hope you are pleased with yourself, Skywalker. Now more than ever, the Jedi must present a united front, but you have made that impossible.
Anakin: What was I supposed to do, master? Had I testified they would have twisted it anyway. The chancellor’s allies are stacked in the Senate.
Mace: I will acknowledge that we faced an uphill battle, but I was not about to roll over and accept my fate!
Anakin: Yes, instead you just broke the law and made it more difficult for us to go after the chancellor. Now whatever we do, we will look like we’re staging a coup. How convenient for a man who claims to value the law and civility more than anything to break the law when it suits him.
Mace: Just as convenient it is for one who disregards the law and protocol to throw it in someone's face. And just so you know, Skywalker. With the chancellor’s current position, the Jedi Council no longer requires your services.
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