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What if Robert Baratheon LOST to Rhaegar at the Trident

Three Eyed Theorist 59,771 4 months ago
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What if Robert Baratheon LOST to Rhaegar at the Trident? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video. The river churns with mud and blood. Across the field, banners of black and red snap in the wind, the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen defiant against the crowned stag, direwolf, trout, and falcon. Rhaegar Targaryen sits astride his pale white destrier and pulls his sword from a dead baratheon bannerman. As the sword came free, a shadowed figure walks towards him. Robert Baratheon. The Stormlord barrels forward, holding a gore-stained warhammer. But his movements are unsteady as from the right side of his surcoat, Rhaegar spies blood seeping from his armor. Robert: COME FOWARD, YOU BASTARD! FACE ME! WHERE IS SHE?!” Rhaegar slowly slides off his stallion and holds his sword ready to face him on equal footing. All around them, royalists and rebels wisely decide to search for other opponents. The space between them shrinks, and Rhaegar studies the approaching figure. Robert’s armor is dented, his face streaked with blood and sweat. He looks like a tempest unleashed,, but Rhaegar sees the cracks beneath the fury. The sway of his shoulders. The uneven gait of his movement. Robert Baratheon is injured—perhaps gravely—but still dangerous. Robert: Rhaegar! You took her from me! You’ll die for it! Rhaegar: I took nothing from you. But if you want her, Baratheon, you’ll have to go through me. Robert: Is that what you told her father and brother too? Robert charges, his warhammer swinging down. Rhaegar meets it with his sword, catching it by its haft. But Rhaegar cannot match Robert’s strength and has to redirect it towards the water. Robert whirls and swings again. His attacks are like a storm and his hammer sounds like a thunderclap wherever it hits. Rhaegar counters with precision, sidestepping, and parrying, each movement, careful to stay out of reach. Robert swings again, the hammer aimed at Rhaegar’s skull. The prince twists away, slicing a shallow gash across Robert’s side. Robert howls in pain but presses forward, spinning with a backhanded strike. Rhaegar leans back just as the hammer grazes past his chest. But Robert Baratheon advances, using his superior size and knocking him into the water. The prince lands with a splash, glancing up to see the fury in the lord’s eyes as he brings his hammer down. Rhaegar barely rolls out of the way and thrusts his sword out, striking him across the thigh. Cursing, Robert redoubles his efforts. However, as the duel rages on, Robert begins to slow. His swings lose their ferocity, his breaths become coarse. Each swing is still strong enough to crush Rhaegar’s chest if it lands, but the rebel’s wounds are taking their toll. Rhaegar sees the moment—the fatal hesitation. Robert lifts his hammer one last time, but Rhaegar sidesteps and drives his sword forward, piercing Robert’s chest, slipping through flesh and bone. The Stormlord’s eyes widen, his warhammer falling from his grasp to sink into the mud. He stares at Rhaegar, lips parting to curse him, but the words don’t come Rhaegar pulls his sword free, and Robert collapses. The battlefield falls into stunned silence. Then the rebel ranks begin to break. Cries of despair ripple through the army, men dropping their weapons and fleeing as the Targaryen forces surge forward, roaring in triumph. Rhaegar stands over Robert’s lifeless body. Rhaegar: Lyanna is safe. From behind, Ser Barristan approaches, his white armor covered in blood. He bows his head. Barristan: The field is yours, my prince. Rhaegar: No, it is yours. Finish off what was started here. I am needed elsewhere. Barristan nods, turning to the men and shouting orders as Rhaegar finds his mount and gallops off. His gaze is already turning back towards the capital. As he rides off, Robert’s rage still echoes in his mind, a ghost that will haunt him forever. Taking only a few hundred of his most trusted men, Rhaegar rides off to King’s Landing and on the way back he finds Tywin Lannister’s vanguard. By now word of his victory has spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms and the Lion of the West wastes no time in pledging his support to Rhaegar’s cause, especially when he hears what will happen next. By the time they arrive at King’s Landing, the gates are thrown open for them and the Mad King greets them at the Red Keep with Jaime Lannister not far behind. Aerys: My son returns! My brave, victorious Rhaegar! You’ve crushed the rebellion at last!” He spreads his arms, as if expecting an embrace. When he doesn’t do that, the king frowns. Aerys: You’ve done well, my boy. Come forward. Kneel to your king and receive my blessing for the glory you have won in my name!” Rhaegar: There is little glory in what I did. I did not fight for your glory, Father. I fought for the realm you have brought to ruin.” Aerys: You dare speak to me this way? I am the king #gameofthrones #whatifgameofthrones #robertbaratheon #targaryen #gameofthroneswhatif
