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In revenge of the Sith, we had obi wan fight Anakin, and Yoda fight palatine. Against obi-wan’s wishes, who requested to fight Sidious because he could not kill Anakin, was denied by Yoda and flat out was told that Palpatine would kill him.
This led to the outcome we had, where Yoda lost to Sidious, and obi-wan mutilated Anakin.
What if Yoda went to Mustafar? Now this fan fiction will be incorporating tons of fantasy battle type explanations as we need to understand the actual fight and who would win and then we can discuss what would happen in the galaxy as a result of this fight. In the past I’ve done a similar fan fiction, but this one will be more in depth on their fighting styles.
As obi-wan tells Yoda he can’t fight Anakin. Yoda agrees, and tells him to stay put in the temple and to not engage the emperor at all costs until he returns. This would keep obi-wan alive, and we can focus on Yoda’s journey.I feel Yoda knew where Anakin was, he just didn’t tell obi-wan for whatever reason. He told him to trust his feelings and that led him to speak to padme, resulting in him hiding in her ship as she travelled to mustafar.
Yoda would either travel to Mustafar, since I feel he already knew, or he would just sneak onto padme’s ship without even saying anything to her. It’s Yoda, he’s that stealthy.
Anakin and Padme run their dialogue. Padme doesn’t know about Anakin killing younglings, since obi-wan didn’t tell her. We could say Yoda told her, but let’s just go with the option of him sneaking onto her ship.
Anakin sees Yoda in the doorway of padme’s ship.
He is taken aback. The grandmaster is here. He isn’t nearly as angry as he was when Kenobi showed up. Anakin knows he’s in trouble. And he is about to pay for what he’s done.
Master Yoda…
No! Padme says. I didn’t bring him here.
Anakin looks enraged at her. He chokes her and Yoda uses the force to push Anakin back, tumbling to the ground.
A disgrace, you are, young Skywalker. Betray your friends, you have.
As Anakin gets up, he takes his robe off.
It is you who betrayed me. The Jedi never gave me the respect I deserved.
Entitled, you are. Pay you will, for all you have done.
If it wasn’t for your lack of empathy, the Jedi would still be alive. You are responsible for this.
Yoda shook his head.
Much to learn, you still have. Mistake it was, trusting you.
Anakin: Don’t make me kill you.
Try you will. Succeed, you will not.
Anakin ignites his saber but before he can leap at Yoda, the Jedi grand master was already at his feet, lightsaber slashing at his ankles. Anakin blocks it and realizes how fast the grand master is. He had never duelled him, and yet, here he thought he was a better fighter than him.
The two would fight an incredible duel. As molten lava surrounded them. Anakin would be wary of Yoda’s speed, and his small stature which proved difficult to fight against.
Yoda would need to be cautious of the youthful energy that Skywalker possessed. His stamina was natural, and didn’t require the force to enhance. Whereas Yoda pulled from the force to enhance his speed and agility due to his old age. He couldn’t fight like this forever, regardless how powerful he was in the force.
Anakin used form V djem So. This was a more aggressive fighting style that focused on offence rather than more defence like Kenobi’s form 3 soresu.
Yoda used form 4 ataru, this was also a very aggressive form. So with these two fighting, it would probably be a more intense fight than any other, since they both would be trying to kill one another with each hit, whereas with Kenobi, he was always defending, and blocking looking for an opening, super patient. This battle would just undulate between one being the agressor and the other being less aggressive, until they falter and get the upper hand, switching roles, tumultuously.