If you’ve been exposed to the Puyo Puyo games at all, chances are you’ve heard the term “GTR”. The GTR or "Great Tanaka Rensa" is the most popular and widely used chaining technique in Puyo Puyo, so much so that around 85% of all Puyo Puyo players use, and a lot of the player base that do use it, solely rely on the form. Considering the multitude of other chaining forms available, that’s a lot of the player base constantly spamming the same form over and over again with very little variety.
Why is it so popular? Is it Overpowered, and How do we Build it? This video is an analysis of this one little chaining form that defines high level Puyo Puyo gameplay as we know it.
GTR Flowchart (Translated) - https://twitter.com/OnemiESESEBEME/status/1143383294010155008?s=20
Introduction - 0:00
What Is A GTR? - 0:10
Why Is GTR So Popular? - 2:28
Demonstration - 3:39
The Complications of GTR - 7:06
Is GTR Overpowered? - 8:54
Outro - 10:05
GTR (Puyo Puyo Form) - https://www.chueq.com/puyo/learn/gtr/
Schematic GTR - Bayoen! - https://www-bayoen-fr.translate.goog/wiki/Sch%C3%A9ma_GTR?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de
GTR for Beginners - Puyo Nexus Wiki - https://puyonexus.com/wiki/GTR_for_Beginners
GTR | Puyo Bro! - https://puyo-euphonic.com/puyo-gtr
Stop Using GTR - https://puyo-camp.jp/posts/98435
Transition - Puyo Nexus Wiki - https://puyonexus.com/wiki/Transition
Patterns and Transitions 3: GTR & More - Puyo Nexus Wiki - https://puyonexus.com/wiki/Transition
List of Chaining Forms - Puyo Nexus Wiki - https://puyonexus.com/wiki/List_of_Chaining_Forms
GTR Flowchart - https://twitter.com/EdMcBeaf/status/827845931051552768?s=20
Puyo Puyo Tetris: GTR Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyNDaUSqgE0
Puyo Puyo Champions | Intermediate Tutorial: GTR Techniques - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDt1w-qK1KQ
Song List
100 Sunny - Omori
Depth Charge - Back to Saturn X: Episode 2
Sonia's Theme - Pokémon Sword and Shield
Difficult People - Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
A Home For Flowers (Tulip) - Omori
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