In this video, I look at a microwave's radiation emitter: a magnetron. This component is DANGEROUS!!!! It has several toxic materials inside of it. Please be careful.
Unlike other videos I could find, I focus on the physics of what is going on inside of a magnetron. I hope this will help people understand them better.
0:58 - Inside a Microwave
1:20 - High Voltage
1:54 - The RHR
2:09 - Magnetron Physics
4:08 - How the EM is Created
6:00 - What the Wave Looks Like
6:36 - Beryllium - BAD
8:40 - A Cross-Sectional View
I didn't have time to explain everything. Here is where I did my research.
Animated Magnetron Operation (Very well done) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVu11WWrNbQ
Microwave Oven Circuit - http://www.microtechfactoryservice.com/doubler.html
Magnetron Construction - http://www.cpii.com/docs/related/2/MAG%20TECH%20ART.pdf
Theory of Operation (Physics Lecture) - http://slideplayer.com/slide/6004351/
How Microwave Heat Water - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dielectric_heating
History of Operation - https://www.radiomuseum.org/forum/vm_tubes_magnetrons_and_similar_devices.html?thread_id=209701
My Microwave Gun - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIOpGtsfU80
On a personal note: All of you catastrophist peers of mine who said I didn't know what I was doing when I made a Microwave Gun. Eat your words!
Narrator: Dayton Aardema - EE
Editor: Dayton Aardema
Music: Cody Aardema - Blueprint Theme