There is ALWAYS going to be a Nexus Report/Letter, the only question is: Will it be written by the VA or by your doctor. VA Disability Nexus Letter (aka Disability Nexus Medical Report)
A Nexus Letter is a doctor's expert medical opinion explaining why injuries, diseases and medical or psychological conditions are service connected and therefore qualified to receive VA Disability payments.
If you're a veteran who has been diagnosed with a disability and are seeking compensation from the VA, a Nexus Report is an essential part of the process. This report is written by a qualified medical expert who will examine your medical records, including those from your military service, and connect the dots between your disability and your military service.
START with Your Doctor's Nexus Letter!
A senior Federal employee who trains VA Raters told Doc Ellis that vets should NOT start at the VA. He explained that many VA Raters are not well trained in the VA law and that the VA's doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners are even less trained. He recommended that vets should first start with their chosen doctor's Nexus Letter. He came from Ohio to Oklahoma for his own Nexus Letter.
More Reasons to Start with Your Doctor's Nexus Letter
1. Many people have an unconscious bias against anyone filing an injury claim.
2. Your military medical records will not have all that is needed to grant VA Disability.
3. You may have few or no military medical records.
So, what should you look for in a Nexus Report? The report should clearly state the relationship between your military service and your current disability, including a detailed explanation of the medical evidence and how it supports your claim.
In conclusion, a Nexus Report is a critical document that can make or break your VA disability claim. Make sure to work with a qualified medical expert to ensure your Nexus Report is thorough and compelling.
Lack of or Inadequate Military Medical Records is Easy to Overcome!
If you tell your doctor about your military experiences, injuries and exposures then your doctor can provide an expert medical opinion causation Nexus Letter. Your doctor's medical Nexus Letter report becomes your medical record!
Whoops! Legal Medicine is Not Taught in Medical Schools
Make sure your doctor knows and is successful in VA Disability.
Be careful. Some doctors charge exorbitant fees.
God Bless
Doc Ellis,
John W. Ellis, M.D., Captain, US Army Flight Surgeon, Retired
Helpful Links:
Ellis Clinic's Resource Page
Get the right rating, look them up
Finding Help:
Disabled American Veterans
Veterans of Foreign Wars
American Legion
John W. Ellis, M.D., Captain, US Army Flight Surgeon, Retired
American Academy Family Physicians
American Board of Disability Analysts
American Board of Forensic Examiners
American College of Forensic Examiners Institute
American College Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Board Certifications:
American Board Environmental Medicine
American Board Family Medicine
Professional Certifications:
American Board Disability Analysts
American Board Forensic Examiners
American Board Forensic Medicine
American Board Independent Medical Examiners
American College of Legal Medicine
00:00 Introduction
00:26 Doctor's are not trained
01:00 My training in occupational and legal medicine
01:36 What your doctor needs to know
01:52 Your medical records and VSOs
02:10 Senior federal ratings instructor's thoughts
02:40 VA law is very fair
03:43 Words of a senior ratings officer
04:14 What to do if you feel you've been lowballed
05:11 If you do not have the supporting medical records
05:35 Widow gets a pension
05:58 If you are medically affected, you need to file
07:01 Veteran Service Officers
08:45 What we charge
09:07 DBQs
09:24 More from a senior ratings instructor
09:35 Bias against injured workers
11:26 The magic words
12:08 Reasonable medical certainty