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What is an Action Research? | ተግባራዊ ጥናትና ምርምር (የድርጊት ጥናት) ምንድነው?

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ACADEMIC LESSON FOR ALL SUBJECT TEACHERS | ተግባራዊ ጥናትና ምርምር ምንድነው? #SUBSCRIBE & LIKE# “As teachers are working in a puzzling environment, all teachers are called LIFE-LONG LEARNERS!” This lesson was developed to help facilitate teachers to carry out action research in the classrooms and schools to achieve self-improvement and enhance student learning. Thus, this lesson will give you a brief introduction to action research. It contains relevant information on the conceptual understanding, processes and procedures necessary for the successful conduct of action research. I hope you will enjoy this video, if like this video share it with others and subscribe to my channel! Good Luck! #Practical Lesson! #funny! #Enjoyable! #Easy to Use! #Easy to implement! #Saves time! NOTE: This video is helpful for all subject teachers, trainee teachers, and trainers. If you like ENGLISH FOR AFRICA and want to learn more and improve your English: # SUBSCRIBE to the ENGLISH FOR AFRICA WITH ZENEBE HAILU channel and don't forget to click the notifications bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson every Friday. - #Use FREE ENGLISH language learning resources and help from my Learn English WEBSITE: - If you like my video please #like #share and #comment! LET'S CONNECT! - - - See you Soon! ZENEBE HAILU
