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If you thought the original gold or even red fassionola were interesting and mysterious ingredients, then you probably are even more curious about Green Fassionola. Most likely, this ingredient started out as a simple colorful product to sell alongside the original and red versions of either a juice, drink or syrup. Next thing you know everyone is copying everyone else.
The most popular and known Fassionolas are from Jonathan English's. Like the other Fassionolas of the time, those were imitations and recreations of other Passion Fruit syrups that came before. There was no standardized recipe for any of the colorful Fassionolas.
There is also no historical recipe that I know of for Green Fassionola or Green Passionola, but we know it's lime-based. Instead of just adding some lime juice, I wanted to take it further with fresh lime peel to give a little bitterness but mainly that lime oil flavor.
The Passionola Cooler shows up as a drink recipe from Kitty Davis and Fred Wilke and was said to have marvelous "throat appeal." You'll have to be the judge of that yourself. The P/Fassionola book has a ton of other recipes calling for green fassionola that you'll be able to use in addition to this cocktail today.
_Recipes at the bottom of this description_
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📃 *Episode Chapters* 📃
00:00 Introduction
01:25 What the hell is Green Fassionola?
07:26 Green Cocktails!
09:50 How to make Green Fassionola
13:45 Making the Passionola Cooler
14:34 Passionola Cooler Recipe Card
14:45 Drinking the Passionola Cooler
📖 *Recipe(s)* 📖
*Passionola Cooler*
_The original recipe called for jiggers, which usually is interpreted as 1 ½ oz. but feel free to reduce it down to a 1:1:2:2 ratio
1 ½ oz lime juice (45 ml)
1 ½ oz pineapple juice (45 ml)
3 oz MaD Green Fassionola (90 ml)
3 oz Gin (90 ml)
Green Passionola is:
2 parts lime syrup, 2 parts passion fruit syrup, 1 part pineapple syrup, 1 part white peach syrup
*Lime Syrup*
25 grams lime peel
50 grams water
25 grams lime juice
(make sure the yield is 100 grams. Add water if needed)
100 grams white suagr
*Passion Fruit Syrup*
*Pineapple Syrup*
60 grams of pineapple juice
42 grams sugar
*Peach Syrup*
You'll need 200 grams of yield, but it's easiest to make more. Just take cut-up peaches and weigh them. Then multiply that number by 0.9 (or .85 to be closer to a final 50 Brix) and add that much sugar. Put it in a bag for 12-24 hours. Then strain it off.
*Combine all the syrups*
200 grams lime syrup
200 grams of passion fruit syrup
100 grams of pineapple syrup
100 grams of peach syrup
#Fassioniola #TikiCocktail #TropicalCocktails