Hey guys! Thank you so much for 1000 subscribers! It was super quick and I am so glad to share my happiness with you all. I have answered two questions in this video. You should definitely watch the video and a lot of doubts shall be cleared.
I would love to read your feedback on this video! Comment below or DM me on my Instagram @homebrewindia
Links to Airlock:
Airlock Single (Rs. 319): https://amzn.to/3bxvAxS
Airlock Set of two (Rs. 489): https://amzn.to/2z2odBo
Disclaimer: Some of the links above may be affiliate links which may help me in improving the video quality of my videos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homebrewindia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homebrewindia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/homebrewindia/
#Homebrew #HomebrewIndia #NakliDaaru
Homebrewing in India is not illegal but you can not sell your alcohol.
Please drink alcohol only if you are over the legal drinking age limit of your region.
Consumption of alcohol is injurious to health, so please drink responsibly.
This channel does not hold responsibility to your actions.