What is 'Nim Lik' and 'Qi'? | Chu Shong Tin
Prepared by Nim Tao Wing Chun.
This video is an amalgamation of clips in which Chu Shong Tin answers questions regarding Nim Lik and Qi flow along with a few demonstrations.
In my view, Sigung was interested in students actually developing these skills for themselves rather than talking about them and simply forming theories without firsthand experience. This is the reason I included the segments in which Sigung discusses this idea; that a student can understand only what they have experienced. He mentions that students often want to know how to do it before they can do it, which doesn't get them anywhere in the end.
That being said, Nim Lik (Idea Power) and Qi (Energy) are two mysterious aspects of Chu Shong Tin's Wing Chun that many of his students have felt and experienced through his demonstrations. The magnitude of Grandmaster Chu's abilities were well known amongst his followers as he could demonstrate them at any time on anyone in any place.
I hope you enjoy this video!
Wing Chun Kung Fu is a style of martial arts that may help you to improve your health, posture, power and mind force. The style was developed 300 years ago by Buddhist Nun, Ng Mui, in order to overcome larger and stronger opponents without the need to be big and strong.
Nim Tao Wing Chun's head instructor, Sifu Maksem, teaches the Chu Shong Tin method and aims to pass on the style without altering its time tested and proven methods.
Sifu Maksem has been a student of the Chu Shong Tin lineage for 15 years, under Sifu Mark Spence, and continues to live and breathe martial arts. With more than 25 years of martial arts experience and a diploma in remedial massage, Sifu Maksem is able to help students reach their full potential with his clear and in-depth understanding of Wing Chun.
As an ex full-time instructor at Chi Sau Club, Sifu Maksem has spent many long hours in training and can transfer direct experience to students in a clear and precise manner. Nim Tao Wing Chun prides itself on it's friendly approach to learning and it's dedication to remaining true to the methods of Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin.
Website: https://nimtaowingchun.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nimtaowingchun