Here's everything you need to know to get started with shadow work! In this video, I'll explain what shadow work is, how to do it, and its benefits✨ So even if you've never heard of the term, after this you'll be able to grab a pen and paper and get started!
Shadow work is the practice of integrating the unconscious parts of yourself and developing them to realize your highest potential. Even though the shadow holds the "worst" parts of your personality, it isn't actually bad, just undeveloped.
Your shadow can show up in your life as fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage. You'll notice its influence whenever you're acting against your conscious motivations, in other words, you act against your own interests. And this is because of the nature of the unconscious. Anything that falls prey to the unconscious can no longer be controlled or developed but continues to have an influence over everything you do. This is the danger of your shadow-- it holds the seeds to your potential but as long as it's unconscious, you can't retrieve or develop them.
So if you're feeling stuck, frustrated, and just keep getting in your own way, shadow work may be interesting for you! It will help you understand why you self-sabotage and how you can change it in order to start living your unique potential💭
0:00 intro
0:35 what is the Jungian shadow?
1:37 the persona
3:37 the shadow
5:32 the ego
7:13 the Self
8:27 how the shadow is formed
10:52 why you self-sabotage
15:08 What is Shadow Work
18:09 How to do Shadow Work
18:42 Step 1: visualize your dream life
20:08 Step 2: challenge limiting beliefs
27:10 Step 3: integrating your shadow
Dakkuma - Yume
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#shadowwork #carljung #jungianpsychology #analyticalpsychology #individuation #shadowself #highestpotential #uniquepotential #selfdevelopment #shadowworkprompts #trueself #limitingbeliefs #shadowworkforbeginners