Updated Video: https://youtu.be/qVb3QcIVVIo
Ths Best Chisel is different for everyone. But what numbers say about which chisel is best. it is my goal to make the most detailed objective test possible to determine what is the best chisel. This Channel is all about Hand tool Woodworking and we would be no ware without the great Bench Chisel. So... Who Makes the best chisel
0:19 Into
0:46 How the Chisel test was conducted
Video showing the testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9disAh4up4
2:04 Objective Vs. Subjective Testing
4:03 look at the actual data of the chisel test
Link to data sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XoOGNmJUXlaVbNw5BcKtcbZzft6aZiQKjdeQRDBNE08/edit?usp=sharing
4:50 How to adjust for your chisel preferences
15:10 A few things I learned about chisels
17:17 How long the chisel test took
18:49 Interesting findings from the chisel test
19:47 What is the best Chisel overall winner
20:33 What is the Best value Chisel
Chisels Tested
---Overall Winner--- Narex Richter: https://lddy.no/dh38
HF Wooden: Only in stores
Aldi: Only in stores
HF Plastic: https://www.harborfreight.com/4-piece-chisel-set-42429.html?_br_psugg_q=chisel
Craftsman Black: https://amzn.to/35CARlv
Narex Basic: https://lddy.no/dh3f
Stanley Sweetheart: https://amzn.to/2r9xCDj
Stanley Everlasting: http://handtoolfinder.com/
Robert Sorby: https://lddy.no/dh3d
Two Cherries: https://amzn.to/36S6ibY
Narex Richter: https://lddy.no/dh38
Pfeil (20-year-old): https://amzn.to/34BCheV
Lie-Nielsen: https://www.lie-nielsen.com/products/1-c-b-1-2-bevel-edge-socket-chisels?path=bevel-edge-chisels&node=4099
Blue Steel: https://amzn.to/38TSFuC
Veritas PMV11: https://www.leevalley.com/en-us/shop/tools/hand-tools/chisels/bench/69847-veritas-pm-v11-bench-chisels
IRWIN Marples: https://amzn.to/35V2QNy
Ashley Iles: https://www.ashleyilestoolstore.co.uk/chisels/dovetail-chisel/12mm-dovetail-chisel
Kseibi: https://amzn.to/2tsal0n
Pfeil new: https://amzn.to/34BCheV
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Wood By Wright 2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQNFJVAUF-qWtK0dawxcOaQ
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background music: Udo Stehle https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01cb69bb7a2781ac8d
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