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What is the PNS? (Classification, Spinal Nerve) + Clinical Relevance

Taim Talks Med 65,015 3 years ago
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Content: 0:00 Introduction 00:59 What is Considered the PNS? 02:05 How to Classify the PNS 05:52 Damage to Motor Neurons 08:03 Spinal Nerve 08:50 External Scheme of the Spinal Nerve 13:05 Internal Scheme of Spinal Nerve 16:25 Posterior Branch of Spinal Nerve 17:55 Anterior Branch of Spinal Nerve ------------------------------- 🫀 Join: 📷 Follow my IG: 💝 Donation link: ------------------------------- What is the Peripheral Nervous System? - Cranial Nerves 12 nerve pairs - Spinal Nerves 31 nerve pairs Classification of the PNS - Sensory System ○ Soamtic Sensory Fibers ○ Visceral Sensory Fibers ○ Exteroreceptors, Proprioreceptors, Periosteum - Motor System ○ Somatomotor System (Somatic system) § Voluntary control ○ Autonomic Nervous System / Visceromotor nervous system § Sympathetic Nervous System (C8-L2 Lateral horn) § Parasympahetic Nervous System (S2-S4 Lateral horn) § Enteric Nervous System (myenteric and submucosal plexuses in walls of digestive organs) Clinical Significance - Lower Motor Neuron damage ○ Located in anterior horn of spinal cord and nuclei of cranial nerves ○ Damage to lower motor neurons: ○ Flaccid Paralysis ○ Hypotonia ○ Paresis/Plegia ○ Hyporeflexia / areflexia - Upper Motor Neuron damage ○ May rise after a stroke or a perinatal hypoxia ○ Spastic Paralysis ○ Paresis / Plegia ○ Hypertonia ○ Hyperreflexia ○ Babinski's sign External Scheme of Spinal Nerve - Rootlets (fila radicularia) ○ Anterior root (radix anterior) ○ Posterior root (radic posterior) § Spinal Ganglion (ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis) - Trunk of Spinal Nerve (truncus nervi spinalis) ○ Posterior Branch (Ramus posterior) ○ Anterior Branch (ramus anterior) ○ Meningeal branch (ramus meningeus) ○ Ganglion of sympathetic trunk (ganglion trunci sympathici) ○ Gray ramus communicans ○ White ramus communicans (ramus communicans albus) Internal Scheme of Spinal Nerve - Somatomotor fibers - Pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers (Visceromotor fibers) - Post-ganglionic Fibers - Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers - Somatosensory fibers - Viscerosensory fibers (baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, unspecific organ senstation) Posterior Branch: - Suboccipital Nerve (nervus suboccipitalis) C1 - Greater Occipital Nerve (nervus occipitalis major) C2 - Occipital Nerve (nervus occipitalis tertius) C3 - Superior Clunial Nerve (Nervi Clunium Superiores) L1-L3 - Middle Clunial Nerves (Nervi Clunium Medii) S1-S3 Anterior Branch: - Cervical Plexus (Plexus cervicalis) C1-C4 - Brachial Plexus (Plexus brachialis) C4-T1 - Thoracic Nerves (Nervi thoracici) T1-T12 - Lumbar Plexus (Plexus Lumbalis) T12-L4 - Sacral Plexus (Plexus Sacralis) L4-S4
