In this video, Dr. Kushner breaks down the brain's middleman - the thalamus. In addition to projecting sensory information onto the cortex, the thalamus helps the brain decide what to pay attention to and what it can ignore.
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00:00 Thalamus
00:21 Where is the Thalamus (Thalami) Located?
01:34 What Are the Functions of Thalamus?
04:48 How Does the Thalamus Relay Auditory (Hearing) Information to the Brain?
06:41 How Does the Thalamus Relay Visual (Sight) Information to the Brain?
08:22 How Does the Thalamus Relay Tactile (Touch) Information to the Brain?
10:18 How Does the Thalamus Relay Gustatory (Taste) Information to the Brain?
11:52 What May Explain Why Smell Bypasses the Thalamus?