The United Church of Christ has often been the first denomination to publicly support progressive causes. This video discusses their theology and practice today.
00:00 Introduction: Church Signs & God is Still Speaking
01:25 UCC Bouncer Ad
02:13 History of the United Church of Christ
03:06 Core Christian Beliefs
06:16 Sacraments
08:00 Confirmation
08:21 Scripture
10:56 Creation & Evolution
11:48 Salvation
15:38 Calvinism
16:47 Pentecostalism & Charismatism
17:18 Eschatology
19:46 Sexuality & Marriage
24:32 Abortion
25:36 Buildings & Worship Style
26:46 Alcohol & Drugs
27:43 Tithing & Giving
29:02 Social Issues
30:18 Palestine & Israel
31:16 Rights of Nature
32:10 Health Care for All
32:30 Polity & Offices
33:10 Ecumenism
33:38 Multiply-Affiliated Churches
34:37 Traditional Churches/Faithful & Welcoming
35:10 Statistics